templates/eshop.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% if wireFrame.wireFrameFile is defined and wireFrame.wireFrameFile != null %}
  2.     {% set wireFrameFile = wireFrame.wireFrameFile  %}
  3. {% else %}
  4.     {% set wireFrameFile = 'eshopLayoutBasic.html.twig' %}
  5. {% endif %}
  6. {% extends wireFrameFile %}
  7. {% block page_contents %}
  8. {#{% if homePage is defined and homePage is not null and homePage.seoTitle is defined and homePage.seoTitle is not null %}#}
  9. {#    {% block title %}{{ homePage.seoTitle }}{% endblock %}#}
  10. {#    {% block description %}{{ homePage.seoDescription }}{% endblock %}#}
  11. {#{% elseif seoData.seoTitle is defined and seoData.seoTitle != '' %}#}
  12. {#    {% block title2 %}{{ seoData.seoTitle }}{% endblock %}#}
  13. {#    {% block description2 %}{{ seoData.seoDescription2 }}{% endblock %}#}
  14. {#{% endif %}#}
  16. {% if eshop.isIsVirtualReality is defined and eshop.isIsVirtualReality == true %}
  17.     {% block head %}
  18.         <!-- X3D requirements -->
  19.         <script type='text/javascript' src='{{ asset('assets/x3dom/x3dom.js') }}'> </script>
  20.         <!-- X_ICTE requirements -->
  21.         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://create3000.github.io/code/x_ite/latest/dist/x_ite.css"/>
  22.         <script type="text/javascript" src="https://create3000.github.io/code/x_ite/latest/dist/x_ite.min.js"></script>
  23.     {% endblock %}
  24. {% endif %}
  25. {# bluf #}
  26. <div class="eshopHome2">
  27.     {% if homePage is defined and homePage.webPageContent is defined %}
  28.         {{ homePage.webPageContent|raw }}
  29.     {% endif %}
  30. </div>
  31. <div class="categories categoriesHome">
  32.     {% for cat in childNodes %}
  33.         {% if cat.isHidden != true and cat.isActive %}
  34.             <div class="categoryBox2 categoryBoxHome">
  35.                 <div class="categoryBox">
  36.                     {% if cat.image1 != "" %}
  37.                         {% if 'http' in cat.image1 %}
  38.                             {% set imagePath = cat.image1 %}
  39.                             {% set imageThumbPath = cat.image1 %}
  40.                         {% else %}
  41.                             {% set imagePath = 'users/' ~ user.userName ~ '/images/' ~ cat.image1 %}
  42.                             {% set imageThumbPath = 'users/' ~ user.userName ~ '/images/' ~ cat.image1 %}
  43.                         {% endif %}
  44.                         <!-- we display image thumb -->
  45.                         <div class="categoryThumb categoryThumbHome">
  46.                             <a href="{{ path('root') }}eshop/{{ eshop.eshopId }}/category/{{ cat.categoryId }}">
  47.                                 <img src="{{ asset(imageThumbPath) }}" alt="Category Image" border="0" class="categoryThumbImg">
  48.                             </a>
  49.                         </div>
  50.                     {% endif %}
  51.                     <div class="categoryTitle categoryTitleHome">
  52.                         <a href="{{ path('root') }}eshop/{{ eshop.eshopId }}/category/{{ cat.categoryId }}" class="categoryLink">
  53.                             {{ cat.categoryName }}
  54.                         </a>
  55.                     </div>
  56.                 </div>
  57.                 {% set subCats = [] %}
  58.                 {% set subNodes = cat.children %}
  59.                 {% for subNode in subNodes %}
  60.                     {% if subNode.eshopId == eshop.eshopId and subNode.isActive %}
  61.                         {% set subCats = subCats|merge([subNode]) %}
  62.                     {% endif %}
  63.                 {% endfor %}
  64.                 {% if subCats|length > 0 %}
  65.                     <div class="subCategoryBox2">
  66.                         {% for subCat in subCats %}
  67.                             <div class="subCategoryLabel">
  68.                                 <a href="{{ path('root') }}eshop/{{ eshop.eshopId }}/category/{{ subCat.categoryId }}" class="subCategoryLink">{{ subCat.categoryName }}</a>
  69.                             </div>
  70.                         {% endfor %}
  71.                     </div>
  72.                 {% endif %}
  73.             </div>
  74.         {% endif %}
  75.     {% endfor %}
  76. </div>
  77. <br><br>
  78. {% endblock %}